St. Nicholas Orthodox Church holds Vespers every Saturday night at 6pm often accompanied by Small Compline and the Canon of Preparation for Holy Communion.  Hours and Divine Liturgy  are held every Sunday beginning at 9am.  According to ancient tradition, a meal and refreshments are offered after Liturgy.   Also in order to offer further spiritual instruction to our young parishioners, church school is taught at several different age groups during refreshments.    A Supplicatory Canon is usually chanted on Wednesday nights.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Everything we do, our every objective, must be undertaken for the sake of this purity of heart.  This is why we take on loneliness, fasting, vigils, work, nakedness.  For this we must practice the reading of the Scripture, together with all the other virtuous activities, and we do so to trap and to hold our hearts free of the harm of every dangerous passion and in order to rise step by step to the high point of love.                                                  St. John Cassian

Glory be to God for all things.